
The title of this blog is Nova Americana, meaning New America in Latin. Since president Obama burst onto the scene in 2007, change has been a buzz word in American politics. The question everyone is asking regards exactly what kind of change should come. America is asking questions about everything from how its economy should recover to what its army should look like in 25 years. On the off chance someone wants my opinion, I’ve presented my views on issues that interest me.

Now, in order to read this blog, I believe you are all entitled to a list of my biases. I’m 21 years old and a student. I’m studying economics at George Mason University. I bend right on issues of monetary, fiscal, and foreign policy. I bend left on the vast majority of social issues. I resent the label of a libertarian, because it’s used so often as a veil for anarchism and hate mongering politics. Instead, I will warn you, the reader, that I look at issues through the lens of an economist. My thinking is sometimes cold and analytical. I support interventionist foreign policies and I confess that I am somewhat hawkish in my view of the world. I hold national security in high regard, along with personal and economic freedom for citizens. I subscribe to Fredrick von Hayeks view that economic freedom is necessary precursor to personal freedom, as all decisions are inherently economic.

I acknowledge that my views may not be palatable to all parties, and I’m willing to debate and clarify anything I say. That said, I ask that you approach what I have to say with an open and logical mind. Regardless of your personal take on my writing, I believe them to be fundamentally logical.

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